Our Services
Ranch Land Architecture and Environment recognizes and creatively harnesses a wide variety of values intrinsic to each property, including recreational, agricultural, natural resource, conservation and ecosystem service values. Our team brings comprehensive and well-rounded professional skill sets to give investors peace of mind and the convenience of having a complete planning, design and management team already assembled and familiar with the regulatory environment.
We specialize in helping clients with the Art of the Possible; that includes seeing future potential, setting realistic goals and defining appropriate objectives and timelines, and navigating regulatory constraints.
Working Ranch Structures
Including Shops, Storage Barns, Tack Sheds, Calving Sheds, Chicken coops, Pump and Well houses, Fencing and Entry Gates.
Rich in spirit, but not in price tag, the beauty of pared-down living promotes the experience of people and nature inspired by place. Yurts, tents and special retreats…in special places.
Hunting and Fishing lodges, Events Centers, Museums, Conference/Business Centers, Dining Halls, Administration Buildings.
Architecturally: Horse Barns, stables, tack rooms, loafing sheds and both indoor and outdoor riding arenas. Environmentally: Pasture management, Trail Riding plans, trailer maneuverability, fences.
Ranch Houses
Owners homes, Ranch manager’s homes, Bunkhouses, Cookhouses, ranch-hand housing.
Regulatory Compliance
We are well-versed in navigating complex regulatory environments. This includes National Environmental Policy Act (Environmental Assessments), Clean Water Act (Section 404 permitting), Endangered Species Act (Section 7 consultations / Biological Assessments), State, County, and local level requirements including Design Review Board, Building Permit Approvals as well as Conservation Easement compliance.
Historic Preservation
By reusing existing buildings, historic preservation is essentially a recycling program of 'historic' proportions.
Ranch Entry Gates and Bridges
From traditional western ranch entry gates incorporating ranch brands & logos to more contemporary designs, our gate and bridge designs are created with both form and function unique to each setting.
Adaptive Reuse
Adaptive re-use is the process of repurposing old buildings (or materials) that have outlived their original purposes—for different uses or functions while retaining their historic features. Adaptive Reuse is a great way to save old buildings or materials with unique features that might otherwise be demolished. The practice can also benefit the environment by conserving natural resources and minimizing the need for new materials.
Land Planning
Inspired by the natural beauty of our world, we are dedicated to its stewardship. From mapping and full scale ranch management plans to the fine details of a specific landscape or site design, we are committed to a hands-on approach with every client.
Healthy Ecosystems
Assessing the functional capacity of natural resources on your property—the basics of land, water, vegetation and wildlife communities and how they inter-relate.
Integrated Resource Management
Defining the most economical management inputs and timing for application to soils, vegetation, water, wildlife and human resources to achieve optimal function, and accurately predicting the indirect effects of management actions on all other resources. This requires the application of both art and science.
These are dry habitats involving management of grass/forb communities, shrublands and forested areas not associated with water courses, and involves species inventory, range condition, trend assessment, production estimates, monitoring, and noxious weed control.
These are the naturally wet areas associated with streams, springs, groundwater and lakes/ponds, which are often the most diverse and highly-productive habitats on a property. Our services include wetland delineations, functional assessments, 404 permitting, mitigation planning and restoration.
Water Resources
This is a broad and very important category involving water rights and administration, irrigation systems, water budgets and conservation, dams and storage, riparian areas, lake and pond management, aquatic weed control, and a host of water quality testing, monitoring and enhancement.
Comprehensive fisheries management including in-stream habitat improvement, channel stabilization, pond and lake management, aeration systems, water quality improvement, and nutrient cycling.
Landscape-scale habitat evaluation and management for big game, upland birds and watchable wildlife. Typical work includes habitat assessments, population dynamics and limiting factors analysis, habitat management planning (plantings, controlled burns, mechanical treatments for brush and timber) and wildlife conflict resolution.
Agriculture and Livestock
Farm and ranch enterprise budgets, equipment needs assessment, seed specifications, herbicide use planning, commercial ag-production, food plots, rotational grazing/management, off-site grazing leases wildlife-friendly fencing and winter feed/hay production.

It’s rewarding when you are an integral part of creating a “vision” for your ranch.

We thrive on creativity and brainstorming to quickly imagine and explore all of the “what ifs”…
Through their combined years of experience, the Ranch & Land principals have assembled a broad team of superb professional specialists, which uniquely allows us to offer comprehensive land services to our clients, all under one roof. Our team of surveyors, land planners, water engineers, biologists, landscape architects, water attorneys and structural engineers stand ready to turn your concept into reality, with seamless efficiency.

Clients do not have to evaluate resources, determine needs, find individual specialists, negotiate a myriad of services and coordinate various goals and management philosophies. Our team is unique, like-minded and ready to meet client needs immediately. We specialize in breaking new ground and inspiring a shared vision, one you’ll help author, and which we’ll fine tune together into a living legacy.